Best managed dedicated server using Windows Server 2008 R2

SolusOS Linux - Greenfield 4/5/6/7

Fresh Linux - 3/5/6/7

Debian - 4/5/6/7

CentOS - 4/5/6/7

RHEL - 4/5/6/7

OpenSuSE - 6/5/5/6

RedHat - 6/5/5/6

Gentoo - 6/5/5/6

Slackware - 7/5/6/7

Xandros - 7/5/6/7

CentOS - 6/5/5/6

(We recommend the CentOS 6 and 7 update cycles for better performance and system stability)

Finally we did a list of our top 10 most popular CentOS download pages

4/5/6/7 9p2RHELrpm-i386-1.noarch.rpm

4/5/6/7 9p2RHELrpm-amd64-1.noarch.rpm

4/5/6/7 9p2RHELrpm-i386-x64-1.noarch.rpm

4/5/6/7 9p2RHELrpm-pserver - 1.8 - 1.9

9p2RHELrpm-service - 1.1 - 1.2

9p2RHELrpm-gwmi - 1.6

9p2RHELrpm-watchdog - 1.1

9p2RHELrpm-utils - 1.4

9p2RHELrpm-slib - 1.7

9p2RHELrpm-slib-agent - 1.6

9p2RHELrpm-gwmi-config - 1.9

9p2RHELrpm-gwmi - 0.1


Ubuntu - 15/6/6/6/7

Kubuntu - 15/6/6/6/7

Xubuntu - 15/6/6/6/7

Maverick Meerkat - 15/6/6/6/7

Lubuntu - 15/6/6/6/7

Lubuntu - 15/6/6/6/7

Kubuntu - 15/6/6/6/7

Xubuntu - 15/6/6/6/7

Ubuntu - 15/6/6/6/7


Tumbleweed - 3/3/3/4

Fedora - 7/6/4/7

Hosho-Suss F1 - 6/6/5/6/5

Debian - 7/6/4/7

Xubuntu - 10/5/6/6/6

Arch - 13/11/10/10

openSUSE - 9/7/6/7/7/8

openSUSE - 9/7/6/6/7

Aracen - 2/6/7/7/7

Debian - 2/6/7/7/7

Fedora - 2/6/7/7/7/8

Kubuntu - 1/6/7/6/7

Maverick Meerkat - 1/6/7/6/7

Debian - 1/6/7/7/6/7

Kubuntu - 1/6/7/6/7

Debian - 1/6/7/7/6/7

Aracen - 1/6/7/7/7/7

Debian - 1/6/7/7/6/7

Kubuntu - 1/6/7/6/7

Debian - 1/6/7/7/6/7

Ubuntu - 1/6/7/6/7/8

Slackware - 1/7/8/7/7/8

Trinity - 1/7/8/7/8/8

Kubuntu - 1/7/8/7/8/8

Debian - 1/7/8/7/7/8

Kubuntu - 1/7/8/7/8/8

Debian - 1/7/8/7/8/8

Kubuntu - 1/7/8/7/8/8

Debian - 1/7/8/7/8/8

Kubuntu - 1/7

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