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Java Script Tutorial for Your Server

Play Minecraft. Open the client application and hit the “Global Menu” icon (hold Ctrl or right click on the square at the bottom left of the menu)

Log in with the administrator’s account, or download a free account (5 GB RAM)

Open a Minecraft web browser. Type http://yourapp/www.minecraft-server/ or your own domain name.

The Minecraft web interface (port 8080) will pop up. Log in with the administrator’s account.

There are several tabs, among them, Options, Language, Creators, Mods, Coding Tools, Patches, Net Protection, Servers, Storage, Installations, Playlist, Sailing, Payment, Log Out.

Configuring the Minecraft server

Clicking on the Options tab will open a list of options. In my case, I just want to change the language (in my case, Japanese), allow custom colors in the text boxes and change the Minecraft password and not allow hosting on port 8080. We are also supposed to be able to create our own host names. I don’t have many of those, so I will just buy some domain names with a .com extension instead.

Under the Servers tab you can change the language, add hosts and change the networking options. You can only have one admin account on your server, so I will leave these as it is.


The Settings tab allows us to configure many options.

The IP and IP address we use to connect to the server. The region. The language. The customizer. The text boxes to customize the Minecraft server. The configuration file.

I will set the IP and IP address to host.mine, and I don’t want to use the region.

There is also a setting called Automatic Server Configuration. This will update all your options automatically. I use this feature quite often, so I left this option as default.

Network Manager (if not enabled on your network) will be started and will update your configuration when you connect to the Minecraft server.

Installation of Minecraft Server

The Minecraft server package is a Windows program. It needs to be launched using the standard cmd.exe. Launch the installer. It will be the one marked “minecraft-server-win32”.

You can change the network IP if you don’t want Minecraft to connect to a port 8080.

It will run the Minecraft server setup program. Wait for it to finish.

To launch Minecraft server, right-click on the icon that appears on your taskbar.

Hit Run as Administrator.

It will do the installation.


There is a lot to explore on Minecraft server. There are 2 types of servers. There are dedicated servers which are connected to a central server. The other type are shared servers. They share the same server and are not connected to a central server. Each player has a unique IP.

There is a chat system which you can turn on and off.

The menu has a lot of options, among them, game map (map grid), map rotation, server name, server port, server password, chat, server management and log out. You can configure your server here.

There are many features and tools, among them, server passwords, permissions, addon activation, installer, chat, server plug-in, redstone, sensors, mods, inventory, scripting, blacklisting and chat. There are many more.


There is a sailing option. You have to enable it in the configuration.

It is part of the default server config, you don’t have to create it from scratch.


The setup program runs a server service to run Minecraft server. It will show a “Start” button. Click it and it will start.

The default settings of the server will be used. You can change this from the settings file. There are several files, among them, config.cfg and host.cfg. You can delete these if you don’t want to use these settings. You can also edit the config file if you want to customize it. Using mods

Many Minecraft mods are released for many games. A large amount of mods are developed for Minecraft. You can download and install them using the Minecraft Mod Manager.

It has many options, among them, install a mod, install with more than 1 mod, search for mods, uninstall a mod, find mods by name, install a mod from a folder. You can even uninstall a mod by deleting the folder that it is stored in. There is a default mod, which works very well. Many other mods work the same way. The difference is that the default mod has only a few features.


When the default mod is enabled, Minecraft will not start, it will be patched and will display a patch in the Minecraft menu. You have to manually overwrite the file “Install.exe” and apply the patch. Here are some tutorials to help you get the most out of it.

Using scripts

When the default mod is enabled, you can create scripts which will control Minecraft.

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